Sunday, February 28, 2010

┗ Love Is A Riddle

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Kinda moody lately.
What is the reason : I don't know.
Maybe it's hard to say it out or tell anyone.

How come LOVE always so complicated?
How come LOVE is a riddle?

I get so fed up already.
I just wish i could control myself of not being so caring.
Yeah, this is what my friends told me to do and i'm trying.

Sometimes, i do really think that i'm such an annoying person.

Why am i so annoying, is just because i care doesn't mean that i wanna control.

LOVE is a riddle.
I don't really know what he wants.
I tried to do what he told me to do, but how come still have some mistakes?
Is it my problem or what? Can anyone tell me.

Yes, i do get lots of opinion from my friends and his friends.
I accept those opinion gave by my friends and his friends.
But the more i accept, it will became more serious.

I couldn't believe that myself being changed until this stage.
The way i'm changing now, seriously, it will just make me don't wanna bother anything right now and future.
Is this the way he wants? Is this the type of relationship he wants?


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